A co-creation of three Deventer design studios, that is the design for the exhibition about 100 years of canning in Deventer: "BLIK. From canning to art "in Museum de Waag. The graphic designers of Houdbaar, multimedia designers De Mannen Zonder Pak and spatial designers of Studio Groen+Schild have designed three themes around tin cans very differently on the three floors of the museum. On the ground floor Deventer is the attention as a tin city. Circular spaces have been created with hundreds of cans. A film shows the origins of tin and its production in Deventer on large paint cans. On the first floor a long exhibition wall has been created with a can of ribbon that comes directly from the roll. The theme on this floor is Design and reuse. Tinplate is 100% circular. The gastronomy is highlighted on the top floor. Tin is becoming increasingly popular in restaurants. Cooks and their dishes are projected onto the plates of a long set table. Here nine chefs serve their culinary delights with canned products.
Projectteam Studio Groen+Schild:
Ellen Schild, Thijs Bongers