The land and buildings of fruit grower and cattle breeder Derk Steenbruggen have not been used as a farm for some time. De Parabool has the ambition to realize a form of living here with daytime activities for 24 (young) adult people with severe multiple disabilities. With small-scale living, working and daytime activities in the Southwest Overijssel region, De Parabool focuses on development, social contacts and integration in society. Studio Groen+Schild has been selected to create an urban and architectural design for the new care location.
The existing farm will be retained, the adjacent young cattle shed will be demolished and rebuilt. The buildings will be made suitable for daytime activities and support services. The heritage thus remains recognizable and the farm remains the image bearer of the yard.
The existing fruit orchards will also be retained. These will serve for future daytime activities. The maintenance, harvesting of the fruit and making products such as jams become an integral part of using the yard.
The barns behind the farm will be demolished. These are very outdated, structurally poor, and contain asbestos. Here, three new sustainable buildings will be realized for housing and supervision of clients. These new buildings take the form of sheds to visually subordinate them to the main volume; the existing farm.
Renders: Studio Groen+Schild
Projectteam Studio Groen+Schild:
Ellen Schild, Arnold de Bruin, Marcel van der Kroef